

Paws4Elders is a newly founded non-profit organization seeking to enrich the lives of senior citizens through the human-animal bond by being an all-in-one resource to access to animal interactions and support for seniors in the San Diego area. In order to establish a credible and reliable identity for the newly-established non-profit organization, I researched multiple websites surrounding the subject of social causes. From there, I developed an in-depth strategy to re-design my prior web design for Paws4Elders while keeping the integrity of the current identity the client loved.


For the overall design and structure of the website, testing where and what a user will be seeing first, second, and last, and how efficiently they will be navigating through the website was necessary to establish. After performing user testing, each landing has a photo background, heading, and subtitle text that provides a general overview of the content that follows. This design choice was made to keep users informed and find what they want easier, without having to scroll through. While keeping the user engaged, it enhances the overall experience and their understanding of the purpose of the page.


With the changes in the structure of the website, the following problem to consider was the website’s overall accessibility. The colors of the brand were modified to higher contrast colors in order to enhance the legibility of the text and modify the hierarchy within the website. Furthermore, the font family, Poppins, remained the same as it’s deemed to be user-friendly and available on an open-source license, meaning the non-profit will not need to purchase the font family.

March 2022 — FIGMA Software — Adobe Photoshop — Paws4Elders