SDSU Occupational Safety Department stakeholders requested a better solution for their logotype. In need of a logotype that encapsulated the variety of occupations within their department, my colleagues and I worked on a new image and a way to acknowledge the safety of students and workers across SDSU.

Out of 25 students and 55 total designs, my logotype solution was selected for its distinctiveness, versatility, and how well it tied occupational safety to SDSU.

For this logo, I wanted to highlight the safety surrounding SDSU. To execute my idea, I decided to create an icon that represents Hepner Hall—a historical and notable landmark within SDSU’s campus—that would replace the A in “safe” seamlessly.

Knowing that this logo will be seen across multiple mediums, it was important to consider the legibility of the logo, as well as how it would translate in different sizes.

February 2022 — Adobe Illustrator — Logotype — SDSU Occupational Safety